Bridport Arts Newsletter

Please help us raise £5000 in a week! 18-25 March 2025

“BAC contributed greatly to my ability to grow and develop as an artist”  – P J Harvey, singer-songwriter

“BAC is the beating heart of arts and culture in Bridport. Long may it continue!” – Chris Chibnall, writer, Broadchurch and Doctor Who

Dear friends

Please can you help to secure the future of Bridport Arts Centre. 

We’re aiming to raise £5000 in a week! And your generosity will be doubled* by the kind folk at Big Give. No donation is too small – or too large! 

As a charity we’re very proud to have been at the heart of the West Dorset community since 1973. We want to be able to continue our work with local communities, enabling creativity and inspiring lives with the greatest diversity of the arts well into the future. 

We don’t have to tell you that times have been tough recently. Like many arts organisations, it’s been hard to get back on a secure financial footing in the post-pandemic world. 

Less than 20% of our income comes from public funding; 25% comes from ticket sales and for the rest we’re dependent on the generosity of trusts and foundations, sponsors and people such as yourselves. 

Arts for Impact is an extraordinary opportunity for us. Big Give will turn your £1, £10, £100, £1000 into £2, £20, £200, £2000! Please give what you can and it will be doubled*.  

We know that some people may wish to donate, but don’t have the means to do so. If you can’t make a financial contribution, you can still make a big difference by sharing our campaign on social media:

Facebook   Instagram   X/Twitter   Bluesky   Threads 

How to contribute 

Between 18-25 March 2025 you can do one of two things: 

  • Visit the Big Give website and make your donation. 
  • Make a cash donation at one of our collection boxes at BAC.

Please know that we will be enormously grateful for whatever you can give or do. You will not only be contributing to the future of the Arts Centre, but enriching lives across Bridport, Dorset and the South West. 

*Big Give will double all donations up to £2500. But please don’t let that stop you giving more! 

Thank you 

Claire Tudge , Director, Bridport Arts Centre

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