TICKETS £12, Sup
No remembering without forgetting…
No rebirth without death…
No ascent without descent…
These are the mysteries.
Storyteller Ben Haggarty,and musician Jonah Brody, become guides to the dark places. Enter a subterranean dreamscape to meet Dionysus -God of Wine, born once from his mother and again from Zeus; Orpheus who can only find love through separation; Eurydice and Persephone eternally bound to the land of the dead; and Aphrodite scattering seeds of chaos, through which we must wade to find sense.
Ben Haggarty reads between the lines of Greek Mythology to restores them to their terrifying and truly awesome glory. This is world-class storytelling -dark, magical and provocative.Whatever you do -don’t look back…
Performance storytelling by Ben Haggarty
Music by Jonah Brody
Suitable for adults (16+)
Content warning: Please be advised that this performance is based on raw Greek mythology and includes moments of violence, incest, rape, dismemberment, infanticide, alcoholic intoxication, cannibalism and death, alongside moments of beauty, magic, wonder, transformation and life.