Bridport Arts Newsletter
Theatre Saturday 8 February, 2025 7:30pm

Call Yourself An Irishman?!

You’re born in one country. But your parents come from a different one. What if the two countries share a complex history, one of conquest and subjugation, resistance, and rebellion? And which happen to be closest neighbours across the Irish Sea, but have grown to a mutual understanding, and a sometimes-uneasy co-existence?

How do you, born and raised in one of those countries, but with ties to the other, define yourself?

In this one-man theatre show, Declan Duffy will attempt to make sense of it, considering the history of Irish migrants to Britain, the difficulties they encountered, and how it has influenced their descendants in our consideration of who we are. There’ll be some songs, of course. And we’ll attempt to answer the vexed question of how many boxes you technically have to tick in order to confidently state: “I am Irish (sort of)”.

Kindly supported by Thames Materials

Directed by David Alexander


Dates & Tickets

Date Time Ticket
Saturday 8 February, 2025 7:30pm Buy Tickets
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